Category: Fitness and Outdoors

  • Paddle Perfect: Essential Kayaking Tips for Beginners

    Paddle Perfect: Essential Kayaking Tips for Beginners

    Kayaking is a fun and peaceful way to experience water, wilderness, but can also be an exciting adventure at the same time. It is a surface water sport in which the player uses a kayak to move across different type of waters from serene lakes and rivers with grade 1 rapids (mostly white-water) upto fast…

  • Gear Up and Get Out: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hiking Gear

    Gear Up and Get Out: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hiking Gear

    Embrace the Thrill of Hiking Imagine being on top of a mountain, the fresh air entering your lungs, and the splendid landscape expanding right in front of you. Hiking provides an undoubted closeness with nature that is experienced only when one ventures out into the wilderness which instills liberality and self-sufficiency like no other sport…
